Synchrony Bank Spam Attack
Over the past 24 hours, numerous individuals received e-mails that appeared as a phishing attack. Messages from Synchrony Bank, which contained verbiage about an Amazon Creditbuilder account, were sent in conjunction with an application link. Tweets from recipients, contained within the linked article, show a second-level failure with respect to contacting customer support. Calls dropped, a general lack of response and an overall attitude of not valuing the customer were predominant at Synchrony. A follow-up e-mail sent from the same account is provided below.
The majority of breach-related investigations, such as those at Equifax, T-Mobile, and OnePlus required more than a few hours to perform the necessary forensics to identify the scope of impact. If this was truly a programmatic internal error which did not warrant an in-depth investigation, the fact that it specifically relates to an Amazon financing service raises additional alarms for us. All of our business with Amazon concluded in 2017. The lack of GDPR-style regulations for US consumers prevents written and verbal requests to be forgotten from having any teeth. We truly need better laws to protect and empower the consumer.